Saturday, August 31, 2019

Combating Compassion Fatigue Essay

The nursing profession is a complex field that can challenge you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. People who go into the field of nursing have daily interacts with patients’ and families in need of medical help and guidance. Nurses face numerous challenges on a daily basis and must be able to handle not only their patients’ issues, but remain strong and healthy to avoid compassion fatigue and burnout. Compassion fatigue is defined as emotional, spiritual, and physical exhaustion resulting from â€Å"witnessing and absorbing the problems and suffering of others† (Wisniewski, 2013). Compassion fatigue can lead to burnout with one’s professional career and affect home life. Caregivers can also be affected by compassion fatigue and burnout from the roles that they play with their loved ones. It is vital to be able to identify the warning signs of compassion fatigue and burnout. This is a battle that can be â€Å"fought with a commitment to personal health and well-being† (Chapman, 2007). Health care professionals and caregivers need to be able to find a balance and maintain health in their own spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional lives to assist patient’s to optimal care. Strategies on stress management, healthy lifestyle choices, and resources available will be discussed to help prevent and manage these issues. â€Å"Nurses are the backbone of the medical system and act as the first line of patient medical care† (Chen et al., 2009). Dealing and coping with stress is vital for nurses to maintain to provide adequate care. Compassion fatigue is a feeling of hopelessness and a loss in the sense of meaning in one’s life. Symptoms can be â€Å"strong feelings of anxiety, difficulty concentrating, being jumpy or easily startled, irritability, difficulty sleeping, excessive emotional numbing, and intrusive images of another’s traumatic material† (Portnoy, 2011). These symptoms need to be recognized to receive help or they can progres s to long-term effects and  complications. There are five concepts of compassion fatigue that need to be addressed to help with prevention and burnout. The first concept is cognitive; symptoms can be apathy, disorientation, trouble concentration, and harshness. The second concept is emotional; signs can be anxiety, fear, helplessness, feelings of powerlessness, depression, having bad dreams, and shock. The third concept is behavioral which can be lack of sleep, moody, change in appetite, withdrawn, and repeatedly having bad dreams. The fourth concept is spiritual. This area can lead the individual to question their role in life and their profession, feelings of being lost, and questioning faith and personal beliefs. The last concept is somatic, meaning affecting one’s voluntary nervous system. This can cause rapid heartbeats, trouble breathing, headaches, aches and pains, trouble staying or falling asleep, and sweating (Portnoy, 2011). There are numerous factors that can lead up to and cause compassion fatigue. Triggers can be issues with management such as nursing acuity, patient to nurse ratios, overworked nurses, personal issues, lack of support from coworkers or bosses, and loss of the feeling that the nurse is making a difference. To combat these factors in nurses and other employees in health care, managers and organizations need to be aware of this dynamic issue and offer help (Portnoy, 2011). Creating an open environment along with education and training on how to deal with these complex issues is the first step to addressing compassion fatigue within the workplace. Group meetings within the workplace will offer the nurses a chance to share their thoughts and feelings, realizing that they are not alone. Building bonds with coworkers and sharing patient experiences will help to encourage positive healthy habits. Self-care is vital for nurses to maintain to keep life in balance and to adequately take proper care of our patients. Everybody has stress, learning how to deal with it is the key to happiness and a healthy well-being. Nurses are constantly educating our patient’s on lifestyle changes needed to maintain health such as a proper diet, exercise, and a strong support system. We in turn need to practice what we preach and maintain our health to be at our best to help our patients achieve their best. Burnout and compassion fatigue are sometimes talked about as one, but there are differences. Burnout is â€Å"state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress† (Preventing Burnout, n.d.). Signs of burnout can be depression or  detachment, emotions are rigid, loss of hope and motivation, and a feeling of not worthy of living. Burnout can be caused by lifestyles or work-related issues. Working in an environment that you feel like you have no control or lack of resources can lead to burnout. Self-care is needed to maintain positive outlets to express one’s stress to avoid burnout in one’s personal life. There are physical, emotional, and behavioral signs of burnout. Physical signs are feelings of being tired all the time, being sick a lot, change in sleeping habits, body aches, and frequent headaches. Emotional signs can be loss of motivation, feelings of helplessness, feelings of detachment, sense of doubt, and an increased negative outlook in life. Behavioral signs can be isolation from others, avoidance of responsibilities, drug or alcohol abuse, missing work, and anger directed at others (Preventing Burnout, n.d.). There are several ways to help prevent burnout. Learning how to manage stress and adopting a positive healthy eating, sleeping, and exercising habits are good examples to start with. It is important to know when you need help and that it is available. Burnout can lead to compassion fatigue within your professional career. Nurses who are tired, overworked, and stress out over time without help can suffer from burnout and in turn fall into compassion fatigue. Nurses need compassion to help guide patients in their medical situations, if the nurse is stressed out and needing help herself then how can she guide the patient? Burnout can be healed, addressing the issues and finding â€Å"your balance by reassessing priorities, making time for yourself, and seeking support† (Preventing Burnout, n.d.). There is a three â€Å"R† approach when dealing with burnout; recognize, reverse, and resilience. Recognition of burnout, reversal of the damage caused from stress, and building resilience to deal with the stress by taking care of one’s emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health. Identification is one step into addressing compassion fatigue and burnout. One can recover from burnout. There are three strategies that one should remain mindful of, slow down, get support, and reevaluate your goals and priorities (Preventing Burnout, n.d.). When dealing with job burnout there are a few options that you can do to improve the circumstances. Taking time off, asking for a new assignment, speaking with management about issues, and clarifying your job duties are a few suggestions to start with. Caregiver burnout can happen to anyone at any  given time. The roles of caregivers are equally important like that of nursing. Caregivers are responsible for the direct care of a loved one and can experience compassion fatigue as well as burnout. Being involved with a loved one’s care can cause physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual distress. The health of the caregivers is important for the success of the one who is receiving the care. Promoting policies and interventions that will help the caregivers to avoid emotional exhaustion is the goal. Caregivers need to remain aware of their needs and beliefs and know when to ask for help should they need it. Education is the start to helping patients, families, and caregivers; talking about compassion fatigue and burnout allows people to see that they are not alone and that help is available. There are numerous resources available to assist those seeking help such as The Gift from Within organization that specializes in helping people deal with trauma and stress. There is also a Compassion Fatigue organization that aims at educating people on how important self-care is and how vital it is to know the signs and symptoms (Portnoy, 2011). In conclusion, compassion fatigue is the loss of self and burnout is the emotional exhaustion that one can feel. Nurses and health care professionals are at higher risks of having these issues come up; however caregivers can suffer from these issues just as easily. The goal to combating these topics is to bring awareness to them and to continue educating people on the ways to handle them. Sometimes asking for help is hard, but it is the first step in the right direction to becoming a healthy well-being who can handle stress. Seeking guidance from professionals will benefit the person in distress as well as their families. To be emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually sound one must take care of themselves in all aspects of life. One must have compassionate caring, empathic boundaries, self-awareness, spirituality and hope, and self-forgiveness to succeed in life (Bush, 2009). References Bush, N. (2009). Compassion fatigue: are you at risk? Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(1), 24-28. doi:10.1188/09.ONF.24-28 Chapman, E. (2007). Radical loving care: Building the healing hospital in America. Nashville, TN: Vaughn Printing Chen, C., Lin, C., Wang, S., & Hou, T. (2009). A study of job stress, stress coping strategies, and job satisfaction for nurses working in middle-level hospital operating rooms. Journal Of Nursing Research (Taiwan Nurses Association), 17(3), 199-211. doi:10.1097/JNR.0b013e3181b2557b Portnoy, D. (2011). Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Watch for the Signs. Journal of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, 47-51. Retrieved January 20, 2015, from Preventing Burnout. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2015, from Wisniewski, L. (2013, February 5). What is Nursing Stress, Burnout, or Compassion Fatigue? Retrieved January 20, 2015, from

Friday, August 30, 2019

Marxism in the Grapes of Wrath

In The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, Steinbeck uses Marxist ideals to plot the long struggle experienced by the Joad family. The Joads’ experiences prove that the Bourgeoise abuse their power in order to control the Proletariats, alienating and exploiting their class to prevent revolution by forcing them to work for barely enough money. Families who had lived and worked on their land their whole lives became workless as the bank repossessed homes to sustain profit. The bank had become a â€Å"monster† led by the Bourgeoise to exploit the families for their houses and jobs, leaving them with almost nothing.People were often forced to work with this monster in order to feed their own families, it was known for â€Å"making people do what it wants† (Steinbeck 34), despite who would be hurt in the process. This was a tool used to prevent the Proletariats from forming a union, because the â€Å"bank isn’t like a man† (Steinbeck 33) and there was no person to punish for doing them wrong. Pushed off of their land, the families moved west where they were promised work and an easier life in return for having to give up their homes.The Bourgeoise’s promises fell short as more and more families migrated west, minimizing the number of jobs and money available. Their pay was repeatedly cut, reducing it to too little to feed their families. Outside of working, the workers were kept from each other in order to prevent unity, the first step to a rebellion. This need to control stemmed from the Bourgeoise’s extreme greed to keep their power and their money by taking away anybody else’s. A divided nation is easier to control then one united. To avoid the consequences of unity, the police would â€Å"make them fear, hate, suspect each other† (Steinbeck 151).This growth of alienation among the lower class was the Bourgeoise’s tool of exploitation to avoid rebellion against those of higher social status. The laws in the area were bias and only in place to benefit the Bourgeoise. If such a place of social equanimity existed, the local police forces tried to find ways to sabotage and abuse the area to break the forming union. Even when migrating from place to place, members of the Proletariat were unable to escape the greedy control of the Bourgeoise. They abused their powers of endless wealth and legal freedom to maintain their high status at the expense of those who occupied the poorer classes.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Steele of Naram-Sin and the palette of Narmer Assignment

The Steele of Naram-Sin and the palette of Narmer - Assignment Example In both art pieces, the Kings get depicted as deity and religious views of the ancient Egyptians. The Steele shows Naram-Sin wearing a helmet with horns signifying his divine power. Through his divine power, it appears okay for him to violently rule over those against him. The Steele also shows Naram-Sin looking up towards the sky. He looks at the suns above the mountains probably signifying a greater power than him. It appears he is showing respect to God. The palette shows the religious and ritualistic side of the ancient Egyptians. On the backside of the palette of Narmer, there is a sandal bearer next to Narmer who holds his sandals. This implies that Narmer is standing on holy ground. Narmer stands on holy ground before slaying his captive. This implies that Narmer is about to perform a holy act that is right by the gods eyes. He appears as a deity who gets allowed to perform such slaying rituals. At the top of the palette, there is the heads of Harthor who is a goddess of the h eavens, women, and a protector of the king. The inscriptions on the palette ascribe to the religious beliefs of the Egyptians.The victory Steele shows victory over the Lullubi mountain people while the Palette signifies the unification of ancient lower and Upper Egypt On the Steele, Naram-Sin climbs up the top of a mountain followed by a fleet of his soldiers who walk over their enemies. The Steele gets used to depict Naram-Sin’s conquest of the Lullubi mountain people. The king on the Steele tramples on the bodies of his enemies. who lie below him. The palette of Narmer represents the unification of the ancient two Egyptian kingdoms into one. On the backside of the palette, Narmer adorns the white crown of Upper Egypt. On the opposite end of the palette, he wears the red crown of Lower Egypt (Fred 42). Wearing both crowns on the same palette indicates that he is the ruler of both kingdoms. There is also presence of the papyrus plant which represents Lower Egypt. The front si de of the palette has two feline type beasts that get intertwined. This further signifies unity

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Reform Movements of the 19th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Reform Movements of the 19th Century - Essay Example Though the previously ignored fractions of society achieved social recognition, there are still issues that exist in society. Evidently, the reform achieved a lot though it fell short of the expectations of the protagonists. Reform and the Slaves One of the most important achievements in the reform was the end of slave regime. In fact, the anti-slavery ideology as propounded by the abolitionists won the battle in 1865 with the 13th Amendment. Evidently, the northern states had started giving up slavery after the American Revolution. However, many states in the south continued depending on slavery as the primary means of labor as they had cotton. Admittedly, one factor that led to the fight for the freedom of slaves is the religious awakening in the reform period, especially among the Protestants. For example, the Protestants proclaimed that it is highly necessary to reform the society to make the Kingdom of God a reality as the religion focused on the Second Coming of Christ. In addi tion, the Evangelical mission to save others gave women a chance to engage in social reform movements that were aimed at protecting slaves. Being the worst treated creatures in the society, for these reformists, slaves were the primary concern. People like William Lloyd Garrison, Quaker Lucretia Mott, and many others formed the American Anti-Slavery Society and many of the members were women; both white and African American. As time passed, by the mid 19th century, the Anti-Slavery Society was split into various fractions including the Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, and even the Liberty Party. By 1848, history saw the Liberty Party joining a coalition and creating the Free Soil Party followed by a Free Soil Convention in 1848. However, as time passed, things were getting complicated in nature. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 saw marshals seizing and returning fugitive slaves, and thus, the free slaves again fell prey to the southern slaveholders though some managed to flee to Canada. Now, it was time for the Kansas Nebraska Act that allowed each area to decide their policy on slavery. As there was no progress in the slavery issue, in 1859, John Brown and his followers attacked the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in Virginia, but as their revolt did not materialize, Brown and followers were caught and hanged. Admittedly, this only resulted in enraging even the pacified supporters of the anti-slavery movement. Soon, there arose the Civil War in 1861. As the Civil War ended, history witnessed the passage of the 13th Amendment that outlawed slavery. Five years later, in 1970, there was the 15th Amendment that allowed the African-Americans the right to vote. Admittedly, a lot has been achieved by the reform movement. However, a report by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor shows the picture of an incomplete work. The report Civil rights and civil wrongs: racism in America today that appeared in the November-December 2003 issue of International Socialist Review quotes the Presid ent as saying â€Å"My nation’s journey toward justice has not been easy and it is not over†¦the racial bigotry fed by slavery did not end with slavery or with segregation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Taylor). In addition, the writers point out the fact that according to statistics, African Americans still continue to lag behind whites in all walks of life.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Week 3 Reflection paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 3 Reflection paper - Assignment Example The origin of multi-cellular organisms is from colonies of single-cell protists. Despite this emphasis of the autonomy of cells, Haeckel a scientist did note that their independence becomes controlled by the bonds of the community as the division of labor The cell was also seen as the essential element of pathological processes according to the illustrated theories. Diseases came to be considered (irrespective of the causative agent) as an alteration of cells in the organism. Andrew a researcher emphasized the primacy of cells for comprehending pathological and normal form and function in the human body. This would therefore draw conclusion that remedies or solutions to pathological ailments must be cell centered if success is to be achieved. In coming up with treatments for pathological ailments, the cell is primary to getting the remedy in relation to compatibility of the remedy produced ensuring that there is life and continuity is not hampered

Monday, August 26, 2019

Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices of World Essay

Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices of World Bank - Essay Example The World Bank cordinates with a multiplicity of actors that include government agencies, civil society organization and private sector; thus, high degree of Ethical, Social and Environmental Standards and Practices should be maintained by the World Bank. Social and Environmental Standards and Practices The World Bank has received serious criticism from international and internal level because of the inequality of distributing funds to the need countries. Thus, it has changed its policies as it has persistently been developing new and diverse methods to support socially and environmentally sustainable development by involvement in World Bank projects. There are formulated safeguard policies that are compulsory strategies for every decision, or measure undertaken by the World Bank representatives (Marshall, 2008). The aim of these safeguards is to keep certain social and environmental standards in projects that are managed by the World Bank. Thus, social and environmental soundness is currently a crucial requirement in the project’s valuation of progress, especially for the loan agreement. Although, there is always interference of political and economic activities, the World Bank article of agreement demand that a measure be economically efficient and avoid political considerations. Meanwhile, there is a stronger connection between social and environmental considerations; the World Bank gives the social and environmental rights more weight than the economic development. Manske and Frey (2004) indicate that the environmental standards have to be compiled in every internal or external of World Bank decision and development measures with emphasis on the ecological aspect that act as conditions in a loan agreement. The environmental standards comprise the considerations of labor, health, safety gender and community issues of the developing countries. They contribute to promotion of democracy and human rights because the political awareness and participation i n activities of ecological concern is maintained. Thus, the World Bank has active responsibilities in setting social and environmental standards and promoting exceptional corporate governance. Its key principles are a standard for the financial industry in managing social and environmental issues in projects financing. The organization supports the management of social, environmental of its members, and signed corporate governance approach to promote reasonable governance practices. The approach supports the right and equitable treatment of its members on matters of social and environmental issues. Meanwhile, it supports the disclosure and transparency of the information to its members with a suggestion of the duties of representatives. According to Manske and Frey (2004), the transparency and disclosure of the information provides extra reputation to transparency for the natural resource development among the members. The disclosure of information of dangerous population to its mem bers has helped these members to implement various measures to stop the carbon emulsion into the environment. The organization has managed to introduce flexibility that is vital to customers because it comprises varying capacities and diverse financing products to its members. It enhances effectiveness and strengthens the significance of safeguards in changing its member’

Sunday, August 25, 2019

International Intercultural Management Assignment - 2

International Intercultural Management - Assignment Example In order to understand the role of culture in developing particular management practices in Saudi Arabia it would be necessary primarily to define culture, as a concept related to the organizational environment. Reference should be also made to the theories of culture – at the level that they indicate the potential elements of culture and its impact on the organizational strategies. Then, the interaction between culture and management in Saudi Arabia would be more easily understood. 2.1 Culture – definition Culture is a concept related to a wide range of activities. Within organizations, the term culture is used in order to reflect the priorities of the firm, from an ethical perspective, as promoted through its daily operations. In accordance with Ahlstrom et al. (2009, p.36) ‘culture is the acquired knowledge people use to interpret experience and actions’. From a similar approach, Schein (2010) notes that culture has three different levels: ‘a) artifacts, i.e. processes and objects that are visible and easy to understood, b) espoused beliefs and values, i.e. ideas, goals and values and c) basic underlying assumptions, meaning the unconscious beliefs and values’ (Schein 2010, p.24). In the context of the organization, culture, as a concept, can be differentiated; the aspects of culture in modern organizations are reflected in the theories presented in the next section. In the context of the organizational environment, culture is of critical importance.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Buddhism and the Nara Aesthetic Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Buddhism and the Nara Aesthetic Values - Essay Example One of the most significant of these foreign exports that have influenced the era’s aesthetic values is the Buddhist philosophy. The pre-Nara indigenous religions were markedly austere. But the imperial government was interested in staging elegant rituals for the protection and prosperity of the state and so this predilection was used by the Buddhists as the practical route to imperial patronage. (Reynolds & Tracy 1990, p. 134) Throughout the Nara period, Buddhism became the official state religion or philosophy and encroached every element of the Japanese society that at its height, Nara came to be known as the â€Å"Golden Age of Buddhism† in Japan as well. Nara itself has had six different sects of Buddhism and that their priests participated in a number of different fields of the Japanese society, from government administration to social work. The upshot was that Buddhism shaped many works of excellent craftsmanship and contributed and indispensable aesthetic value to the culture of the period. Buddhism, which originated in India in the sixth century B.C., was transmitted to China in at the time of the initial years of the European Christian era. Buddhism’s development was largely influenced by Taoism before its spread to Japan. The main feature of Buddhist thinking is expressed in what it calls the three characteristics of existence. Nancy Hume (1995) elaborates: Most forms of Buddhism view existence being characterized by dukkha, frustration or unsatisfactoriness, impermanence, and anatman, which refers to the idea that nothing possesses an intrinsic â€Å"selfless†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Buddhist thought is particularly opposed to the view that there are independently existing things, claiming that everything is â€Å"itself† only in relation to a set of conditions that make it what it is.  Ã‚  

Critique of a text Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critique of a text - Essay Example Unfortunately, this article does just that. ‘Inconvenient lives’ is an insight into the reasons why humans resort to abortion, supported by statistics and facts and the writer’s own vehement anti-abortion views. Bork, in this article, answers the questions whether abortion is always killing of a human being and is it done mostly for convenience? He takes the stand that abortion is akin to taking a human life by stating scientific research regarding how human life begins; drawing comparisons between a fetus and an elderly human being; discussing the various reasons through statistics as to why women opt for abortion and criticizing the views of some of the pro-abortion advocates. The writer draws the conclusion that abortion is an immoral act and the reasons behind committing it are irrational. He believes that women solicit it because it seems to be the most viable and convenient solution for their own multiple problems that might arise due to unwanted pregnancy. The writer opens the argument by giving the summary of how a fetus comes into being and develops into a full-fledged human being. According to him, killing the organism formed after the fusion of a male sperm and female egg is like killing a human being. It is quite evident that the writer cannot demarcate between a human tissue (the zygote) and a living person (the mother). By stating scientific and medical opinion he is just trying to impose that this human tissue is important enough to have rights of its own. It shall be most unfortunate however, to grant it rights equal to or superior than that of a woman which is a human being, all flesh and blood with thoughts and emotions. It is an absurd comparison that only diminishes the value to a woman. Much dramatic light has been thrown on the rights that the fetus should be granted but at the end the writer himself admits that â€Å"†¦the fetus cannot survive

Friday, August 23, 2019

Innovation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Innovation - Term Paper Example In the global societies, the organization needs to be rebuild in order to navigate themselves out from the economic and social morass and it is through innovations that an organization can get there, but the organization and leaders are usually focused on status quo. An innovative organization creates people, process and philosophies to create, support and nurture innovation (Sorenson, 2011). This project would deal with the innovation strategy adopted by Vodafone, Vodafone group Plc is the world’s largest mobile telecommunications, with its presence in Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and the United States. Current Business Situation The company current strategy titled, a stronger Vodafone to a more valuable Vodafone comprised of four main components. They are, to focus mainly on the new areas of growth like by entering into emerging markets, introducing new service and many more. Next to deliver value and efficiency by driving off cost effectiveness and operational effectiv eness, thirdly, to generate liquidity and lastly apply the capital for the investment of the company (Vodafone Group Plc, 2011, p.3). The company, Vodafone primarily focused mainly on its expansion strategy in the emerging countries where there is a potential growth. The enterprise customers of Vodafone range from small-office-home office business to small to medium sized enterprises. The company has 34 million customers as enterprises comprising of 9% and about 23% of service revenue. In 2010 Vodafone acquired Quickcomm and TnT Expense management. This acquisition has strengthened the ability of the company to provide the enterprise customers with a greater visibility and control. As an innovation strategy, Vodafone has been working with its partner Novartis on a health project (Vodafone, 2011). Strength Vodafone is one of the largest mobile phone operators by terms of revenue had planned to focus more on the high growth strategy in India and as time Vodafone has been able to do it by introducing more low cost handsets, wireless connectivity and finally being a good corporate citizen and is India’s fourth largest mobile operator (Lall, 2007). Vodafone’s one of the successful strategy was the introduction of ZooZoo in the year 2009, the new brand ambassadors of Vodafone. This character was successful in repositioning the brand. The Indian Premier League 2 (IPL2) was chosen as the platform for Vodafone to launch their advertisements made on ZooZoo, which proved to a great marketing strategy for Vodafone. With the success of the ZooZoo character the company has launched many ZooZoo goodies such as Zoozoo mugs, toys, t-shirts, key chains and many more. This step was seen as one of the major step taken by the company in the form of innovation. Vodafone is the only company which has come up with such a concept of ZooZoo and has proved to be essential in attracting the customers. Weakness A major weakness of Vodafone was reported to be the network cove rage. It did not have a widely accepted coverage and the customers often complained about the network and also customer service. The company did not invest much in the R&D which led to the dissatisfaction of the customers. Opportunity The current market situation of the company is showing a steady rise not only in India but also in UK. Vodafone profits have rose as about 9.4 million new customers have joined up Vodafone. It

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Duhem and the Good Sense of the Physicist Essay Example for Free

Duhem and the Good Sense of the Physicist Essay This paper will examine Duhem’s good sense of a physicist. We will also succinctly discuss his reason behind this claim. To explain Duhem’s good sense of a physicist, different experiments involving systematic procedures will be inspected, and J. J. Thomson’s experiment on cathode ray tube is one of these experiments. Two hypotheses about electricity that received worldwide acknowledgement will also be discussed. The explanation of these hypotheses will further question Duhem’s claim on the good sense of a physicist. Jean Perrin’s contradictory presentation about the effectiveness of experiments in testing hypotheses contributes to the goal of this paper. The Good Sense The good sense of Physicist examined by Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (1861-1916) can be used to determine very confusing and contradicting experimental results. He encouraged the use of this ‘good sense’ since there are discoveries that doesn’t require extensive experiments and the ‘good sense’ of the physicist will be the guide to solve a problem. Duhem argued that this is enough to accept a good and well-explained hypothesis. He also encouraged the revision of a claim to accommodate and balance a confusing experiment. However, this method is too ambiguous and irrational especially for those tests that needed extensive experimental guidance. The use of the good sense is too risky for future purposes. One good move that we can consider to refute Duhem’s claim about the good sense of a physicist is to examine the approach used by different scientists. Sir Joseph John Thomson’s (1856-1940) experiment on the cathode rays and the cathode ray tube prompted an innovative period in the field of electricity. This experiment led to the discovery of electrons and other subatomic particles, a breakthrough that enhanced the understanding of the composition and behavior of matters. Three different experiments were performed using these cathode ray tubes. Thomson first used magnetism to see if there is a chance that the negative charge will be separated from the cathode rays (Park). Further elaboration of this experiment led him to the conclusion that the negative charge and the cathode rays are inseparable. In his second experiment, his main objective was to know if the presence of an electric field would influence the projection and behavior of rays. He constructed a nearly perfect cathode ray vacuum because he believed that previous experiments failed because of the presence of different gaseous element in the air. With his subsequent procedures, he was able to prove that the electric field could really influence the movement of rays because these rays were deflected, signifying the track of the negative charge. Thomson’s third experiment involves the measurement of the charge-to-mass ratio of the cathode rays. He measured the amount of cathode rays that were averted due to the presence of a magnetic field. He also measured the amount of energy they have. His observation led him to conclude that either the particles were very light or greatly charged because the charge to mass ratio was more than a thousand times greater compared to a hydrogen ion. Thomson’s hypotheses were proven not just because of merely theorizing. He proved it because he followed a systematic procedure. His path was guided by previously known facts. He was also guided by the failures of earlier experiments. In 1913, there were two hypotheses that had gained universal acceptance. The first one states that electricity occurs in discrete fundamental units. The second hypothesis states that the magnitude of the negative charge is three times smaller than the smallest mass associated with the fundamental unit of positive charge. The development of these hypotheses was brought about by the continuous growth of awareness in electricity. The discovery of the Avogadro’s number, mle and e of the constituents of various electrical discharges, mle and e of gaseous ions, and the total charge of a mole of monovalent ions Ne gave rise to this outcome. Duhem should give importance to the experiment conducted that supports these hypotheses. According to Jean Perrin, hypothesis, in most cases, is both essential and productive (Soshichi). He explained it in terms of examining a machine. He said that we do not just study a machine by just considering the visible and tangible parts. We will go as far as our eyes can tell us if we only consider this. Aside from these visible parts, we also seek the properties of the hidden gears that can explain its evident motions. To explain this, we must relate the visible parts to the invisible parts. If it is outside our scope of understanding, we seek retribution by studying its components part. There we formulate our hypothesis. Because we have the intuitive intelligence needed in solving such complex problem, Perrin added, we were able to give rise to the doctrine of Atoms. Perrin’s method is mainly based on experimental foundations. We can divide Perrin’s experimental inquisition into two. The first division is consisting of checking whether the result of an experiment follows a given algebraic distribution. The second step involves using approximation of the coefficient of diffusion, which is vital for gaining the Avogadro number. According to Duhem, a physicist can never test an isolated hypothesis. A physicist can never leave the theory outside the door of the laboratory since a failed prediction or experimental test cannot tell a scientist where the error lies. It can only tell him to examine further the experiment and try not to commit the same mistake. In our modern times, a hypothesis is not valid unless it is tested. In this paper, we have succinctly discussed his reason behind this claim. To explain Duhem’s good sense of a physicist, different experiments involving systematic procedures was inspected, and J. J. Thomson’s experiment on cathode ray tube is one of these experiments. Two hypotheses about electricity that received worldwide acknowledgement were discussed. Jean Perrin’s contradictory presentation about the effectiveness of experiments in testing hypotheses contributes to the goal of this paper. The good sense amounted in this case is the rational way a physicists approach a problem. They used experiments to support their claim, not just downright theory. The good sense of a physicist accounts for his sense of creativity, how he develops his own way of obtaining an answer to a hypothesis. All of this is through experiments. Works Cited â€Å"Pierre Marie Maurice Duhem. † March, 2001. JOCEFR. 12 May, 2008 http://www-groups. dcs. st-and. ac. uk/~history/Biographies/Duhem. html. Park, John L. 1996. â€Å"J. J. Thomson’s Cathode Ray Tube†. 12 May, 2008 http://dbhs. wvusd. k12. ca. us/webdocs/AtomicStructure/Disc-of-Electron-Images. html. Ariew, Roger. 13 July, 2007. â€Å"Pierre Duhem†. 12 May, 2008. http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/duhem/. Soshichi, Uchii. 9 February, 2001. â€Å"Jean Perrin’s Book on Atoms†. 12 May, 2008. http://www. bun. kyoto-u. ac. jp/~suchii/perrin. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Online Course for Phishing

Online Course for Phishing Ahmed Hassan Al-Asmari Applied Phishing PROJECT in TI-ANS-ANS-TTC The report aims to provide an online course for Social engineering (phishing) for TTC students. The proposed course is designed based on the approach of research based learning. Proposed design of the circuit is supported by the theory. The report aims to provide an online course for ICT department. The expected result is to provide a new learning course for security information Provide a new content, types, problems, solutions and how to informed about phishing technology. What is phishing? Its technique used to steal personal information through spamming, fake websites, unofficial applications or other deceptive means, thats means someone create a website which resembles original website 100% and the website which created asked for specific data such as request information entry or data update or add credit card and so on. So, this way is start by sending a message which similar to the message the original company and the content of message request to entry the link to update data, sometimes the link malicious files which help phishersto control device and steal data. To avoid Internet phishing, people should have knowledge of different types of phishing techniques and they must also be conscious of anti-phishing techniques to defend themselves from getting phished[1]. 2.1. Phishing Techniques 2.1.1. Email / Spam Phishing by using email or spam are most common phishing scam. Phishers can send the similar email to millions of users, requesting them to loading personal data. The information which are steal will used for unlawful ways. Most of the message have a note which ask users to enter the personal information to update and verify accounts. Sometime, phishers asked you to fill a form to access to a new services(Figure1)[2]. 2.1.2. Instant Messaging Instant messaging is one of the phishing ways which used by sending a message provide a link that direct user to fake website, thats website are similar to the original website. So, If user dont check the URL of this link, then he will fall on the phisherhand, sometimes its going to be hard to find out the different between the original and fake URL. Then, link contain form which phisher asked to fill(Figure2[3])[1].   Ã‚   2.1.3. Link Manipulation link manipulation is one methods that phisher use in websites by sending a link and when user click the link it will start to direct user to the phisher website instead website which in the link. The way to prevent link manipulation is to put the indicator of mouse over the link to check the real link(Figure3[4])[1]. 2.1.4. System Reconfiguration Phishers may send a message that asked the user to change the settings of the computer. The message might arrive from a web address which comparable an official source. For example: URL can be modified by phishers to direct victim to a fake websites. For example: a URL website of a FACEBOOK may modified from to[1]. 2.1.5. Phishing through Search Engines This is one of phishing scams and that by using search engines which direct the user advertisement sites which may present low price products or services. So, when the user select some of these offers and begin to put data of the credit card, then its collected by the phishing site(Figure4[5])[6]. 2.1.6. Phone Phishing The phisher may also used phone by making calls to random users and request them personal details about bank account or any others information and the phishing caller may be automated response. They may be friendly with you, start calling you by your first name and asking you about your family. They may act working in a company you trust and asking to update your accounts or asking for credit card. So, we see that kind of phisher have a little information about you before the call and after the call, they may get all the data they want to complete steal whole data. 2.1.7. Malware Phishing Phishing scams malware its one of the technique need to be run on the users PCs. The malware is typically linked to the email sent to the user by the phishers. Once you get on the link, the malware will begin to publishing and causes damages inside PC. Sometimes, the malware attached to downloadable files. phishing was spread around the year 1995, but they was not known to people until few years. So, this is negative point for people who does not take a careful and about the phishers because they maybe make a serious problems in one day. So, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the behind them[7]. Most of the phishing scam are successful and that because people dont know about scam methods which phishers use it. So, there are several ways to avoid to be a victim. We can get the idea about those list which may help to prevent phishers to steal your information and be aware about the following list: Keep Informed about social engineering techniques specially phishing techniques so that will help you to have an information about the methods scams that phishers use it and you know the ways to prevent all scams. Install an Anti-Phishing. So, a lot of popular Internet browsers can be Associated with anti-phishing toolbars. So, this is a common way to prevent the phishing through search engines or websites, anti-phishing toolbar can alert you from fake websites by blocking it. Such as AdBlock. Verify a sites security: its important that websites you visit are security and free from fake advertisement and illegal products. So, keep informed about the websites URL which should have to begin with https. Also, you should see an icon lock close to the address URL. Also verify the certificate of websites security. Verify your online accounts periodically as long as you dont visit your online account for a long time, verify each of your online accounts periodically and changing your passwords regularly too. Its good that each of your accounts has different password. Use best firewalls: you can use two option kinds: a desktop firewall and this is a software type install in your device, second is a network firewall this is a type of hardware which are in a routers or switches. Never Give Out Personal Information. Use Antivirus Software. Use an Alert Password from Google to alert you from phishing. We see here in this figure5 the cycle of phishers witch they move with each steps when they target personals or companies. figure below will explain this cycle more(Figure5[8])[9]: What do you think about your passwords. Do you use just one or simple to figure out variations on just one? If you do both, you shouldnt, because youre making it easy for a phishers to get access to your personal information. Every password for every site or different accounts should be different. Letters numbers and characters work best to keep password difficult and hard to get. Change them repeatedly. The special programs for internet security and system of device can help you to keep follow of your passwords. Because Google are the famous company and has too many users, Its important to set high level of security to protect users information. So, from the phishing side, Google has created a new tool which can secure users data from phishing. The main idea of this tool is to alert user when the password of account are entered in other original So, if user receive a message in e-mail and this mail are look like original webpage of Google and with a link asked you to change or update your password account. Then you click the link and start to direct you to another website and stealing your personal data. So, this tool from Google will alert you when personal data are entered in other Google account and trying to follow and show the suspicious signup page and alert you before you enter your personal data and password(Figurs6[10])[11]. There are several target in a phishing: the end users, businesses, the computer compromised to host fraudulent sites and the ISP hosting the email address. So, phishing want to get the important information from those to get all permission to control[12]. I think about the most common type of phishing technique are used is E-mail phishing so far. I chose that type because I see that in every news, TV, websites and social media. The last attacks which happen in Saudi Arabia in Jan 2017 by the virus which called SHAMOON by Green Big groups. This virus targeted most popular company in Saudi Arabia like ARAMCO and Communications and Information Technology. The virus was working for several attacks like send an E-mail to the employs of the ARAMCO company which include the malicious link and the message is similar to original messages of the company. Then, some of the employs are failed in this E-mails and the viruses are distribution and made a huge damage like stole information and delete all the data stored on the computers. So, I chose this type which is most common because of this story happened in 2017 and there is no way to stop it until we make a strengthen the defense of this attacks before happening[13]. Alic and Bob are the names used in scenario security characters. This names are chosen based on the letters of the alphabet (A)lic and (B)ob. Discoverer of this theory put names of people to make it easier to understand and study. If we suppose that Alic are sending a private messages to Bob by postal mail. Alic knew that postman are reading the message she sends. She thinking to find a way to send a message without anybody read it. So, Alic buys a lockbox and two keys (Encryption Decryption) to open it and meet Bob to give one of this keys. Alic put the message inside this lockbox. The postman cannot read the message or open it or looking through the lockbox. So, after the message delivered to Bob, he can use the key to open the lockbox and read the message. So. Bob as well can use the same method to send a message to Alic and they are sure about the security message exchange and this is called a symmetric key encryption. Lets keep continuo with Alic and Bob. Now, Bob buy a new padlock which is open and put it with the message in the lockbox and keep the key of the padlock with him. Alic receive the lockbox and buy a similar padlock which Bob sent it with the message, and puts her message and the new key of her new padlock in the lockbox. Then. she locks it with the Bobs padlock and send it to Bob. Now Bob can read the message and get the key of the padlock Alics. So, Alic and Bob can exchange messages as they want safety. If we suppose that Alic are person (A) and Bon are person (B). A want to send a private message to B but person A discover that some person who is trudy are reading the private message when send it to B. So, A thinking about some method to encryption the message when send by add a code with so that message cant opening and read until insert that code. Then, A send a message after give the code to B to decryption the message so he can read it and no one than A and B can decrypt the message because they have the same keys to encrypt and decrypt it. This method called encryption and decryption and the keys are called Symmetric-Key Encryption. Lets suppose that we have two persons Mohammed and Abdullah want to exchange encrypted messages so that no one can see it. Mohammed comes through a particular program (browser in case SSL) and produces two keys associated with each others one public key and the second are the private key. Mohammed then sends the public key to Abdullah by any method. Abdullah uses this key and encrypts the message that he has by the public key who sent by Muhammad public key. And then sends the encrypted message to Muhammad. Mohammed then decrypts the message code via the private key which is with him and associated with the public key. So, Muhammad can encrypt a message with the private key and Abdullah decrypts the message through the public key. [1]Phishing Techniques | [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25-Oct-2016]. [2]The Online Service Message Email Is A Google Account Phishing Scam., Facebook Tips, 06-Jun-2011. . [3]My Computer: Text message phishing scam, My Computer. . [4]Watch Out For Facebook Phishing Scams | Simple Industries, Inc. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20-Feb-2017]. [5]Ads on popular Search Engine are leading to Phishing Sites. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20-Feb-2017]. [6]Ads on popular Search Engine are leading to Phishing Sites. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Oct-2016]. [7]History of Phishing | [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 25-Oct-2016]. [8]L. Meleney, Dyre Malware Has Stolen Over $1 Billion: Is Your Companys Sensitive Data at Risk? [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20-Feb-2017]. [9]Dyre Malware Has Stolen Over $1 Billion: Is Your Companys Sensitive Data at Risk? [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Oct-2016]. [10]Phishing prevention with Password Alert FAQ G Suite Administrator Help. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 20-Feb-2017]. [11]Password Alert. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Jan-2017]. [12]R. D. Vines, Phishing: Cutting the Identity Theft Line. John Wiley Sons, 2005. [13]Saudi Arabia warns on cyber defense as Shamoon resurfaces | Reuters. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Feb-2017]. [14]What Is SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)? | [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12-Feb-2017]. [15]HTTP to HTTPS | What is a HTTPS Certificate. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12-Feb-2017]. ACADEMIC HONESTY DECLARATION I, the undersigned, declare that the attached assignment/project is wholly my own work, and that no part of it has been: copied by manual or electronic means from any work produced by any other person(s), present or past, produced by several students working together as a team (this includes one person who provides any portion of an assignment to another student or students), produced by automatic tools or aids modified to contain falsified program output, or copied from any other source including web sites, except as directly authorized by the instructor. I understand that penalties for submitting work which is not wholly my own, or distributing my work to other students, may result in penalties. Full name: Student Number: ___________________ Signature

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Effects Of Globalisation On McDonalds

The Effects Of Globalisation On McDonalds Globalization has led to movement towards the integration of several different markets. Over the past years we can observe how markets from all over the world have transitioned to function together, being more interrelated and interdependent to each other. The shift towards one world economy was made possible because globalization has brought forward several benefits which enabled the ease of movement of business operations from one country to another. Technology has rapidly advanced over the years which made it much simpler to operate internationally and the increase in the power and importance of global organizations (like World Trade Organization) to discourage trade barriers among countries and promote international business and trade. Globalization has encouraged firms to go global and operate outside their local market. International expansion are done through various ways, firms can export their products and sell in international markets, franchising and licensing involve perm itting a business operation in other markets or allowing production of goods and services in other markets, e-business also helps reach out to customers all around the world. Businesses find it healthy and beneficial to operate in international markets because it can be seen as a method of spreading risk, challenging their way across new competitors and attracting new customers towards the companys goods and services. McDonalds, a well known and valued fast food company would be used as a case of how international business has helped the company achieve their goals and succeed overall. McDonalds was first established in 1940, two brothers Richard McDonald and Maurice McDonald partnered up and opened up a restaurant in California, moved towards self-service drive-in restaurant with a limited menu which consisted of cheeseburgers, milkshakes, pie and the world famous French fries of McDonalds. They differentiated their service by focusing on saving time [their Speedee Service System] to satisfy customers. Later, McDonalds had successfully created a unique brand image which was trademarked. The success of McDonalds outlets in the US has encouraged them to go global. They were able to open restaurants in Canada, Japan, Germany, Australia and France. McDonalds main form of expansion was through franchising themselves to different markets. The company was able to successfully open over 30000 outlets aro und the world in more than 120 countries. McDonalds international success has earned them to be ranked 8th in the Top 100 of the Worlds most valuable brands in 2008. Every international business success depends on its approach towards a new market. When it comes to entering new different markets it is very important for any company to analyze the market it wishes to operate in. Here, they will need to study all the aspects that makes the market different from its local market, the competition that exists in that market, as well as the markets macroeconomic environment. A countrys macroeconomic environment can have a great impact on a companys performance. The macroeconomic environment basically consists of four major factors which influences the market function. The first factor is the economic factor of the market. This focuses on the economys well-being, i.e. income level, employment, inflation and how these can influence decision making of international businesses. The second factor focuses on the countrys legislation overview, the rules and regulations that companies may follow if they wish to operate in that market. The third, political fact or mainly sums up to the exercising power of the countrys government. Political status and stability of a country can greatly influence the attractiveness of foreign direct investment into the country. The last factor which has an impact on international business operations is the culture of the market. Culture refers to a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people, -Hofstede. Culture differs from country to country. It is usually determined by the countrys ethnicity, religious views, education, language spoken etc. This factor of macroeconomic environment makes it difficult for international businesses to determine their success in operating in new markets. In the case of McDonalds, the four factors of macroeconomic environment did have an affect McDonalds products and their standard method of operating their fast food restaurants. From the economic factor, McDonalds have positioned their brand as one of the best fast food outlets with the greatest value meals offered. Differences in income levels did not influence McDonalds because they offer their meals at low reasonable prices. For example in Dubai, McDonalds offers the lowest economic prices for their value meals when compared to the other fast food outlets such as Hardees or Burger King. McDonalds is now known to rank the 6th most valuable global brands in 2010. The legal factor of macroeconomic environment did affect the products of McDonalds. Rules and regulations that were followed by every company in a particular market had to be followed by McDonalds too. For example, McDonalds toys which were given in Kids Happy Meals should be approved by safety measures. The labeling of their products such as the green dot which symbolizes suitable for vegetarians is also another example which McDonalds adapts with relation to labeling laws to inform consumers. In Muslim countries, any meat products had to be Halal, McDonalds sandwiches had to adjust to meet religious standards. When it came to promotion, McDonalds advertising also had to be controlled and approved by certain markets like Saudi Arabia. Certain TV Commercials that use attractive female models may be seen as an inappropriate way for McDonalds to advertise in Saudi Arabia. The political factor of macroeconomic environment does not directly affect McDonalds operations but governments in different countries do have control on what products a business is allowed to sell in their markets. Political reasons can affect McDonalds performance internally through taxation etc affecting their pr ofitability. The cultural factor of every market can be used as an advantage for every international business to differentiate their products and adapt to these cultural differences thus valuing their brand image among local consumers. McDonalds operates in over a hundred countries and they have deeply focused on using cultural views to differentiate their products in different markets. McDonalds products respond to local taste and preferences. There are many examples which show us how McDonalds have adjusted to offer differentiated products, having special offers on special occasions and events that are held in different countries. McDonalds had recently introduced a dessert offer during Ramadan in Dubai. This was the McBrownie Sundae which was advertised around bringing in the Ramadan atmosphere into the picture using the moon, emphasis of historical background, colors etc. McDonalds respond to catering to local customers tastes too. In India, McDonalds offers a sandwich exclusively to that country, the McAloo Tikki Burger. McDonalds also has their famous McArabia value meals in the Middle East. In terms of language dimensions McDonalds are referred to differently in different markets around the world. Most of the West refers to McDonalds as Mickey Ds, in Australia their slang for McDonalds is Maccas. When it comes to religion McDonalds does take religious standards into consideration, this way it shows how they value their customers. McDonalds advertisements, way of packaging all come under appropriateness towards the market they are serving. All of McDonalds meals in Muslim countries are Halal. McDonalds outlets in different markets restrict them to sell certain type of products in those markets. The McPork burger was inappropriate to sell in Middle East or Muslim countries, even all their beef products were not offered in outlets located in India because it was seen prohibited and against Hindu religion. Businesses that tend to go global always plan out and adapt a global strategy which will help assist them towards achieving their objectives and long term goals. When a company decides for global expansion there are usually four common strategies that they can choose from in relation to their approach towards the market, either follow an international strategy, localization strategy, global standardization strategy or transnational strategy. These four strategies are influenced by the pressure of two dimensions. The first is the pressure faced from cost reduction measures, where this depends usually on the competition of the market. Profitability and survival mainly depends on this measure, so if a company wishes to operate in a different market they should make sure that they are in line with other competitors when it comes to cost related or price related products. The other dimension is the pressure of local responsiveness, depending on a companys flexibility towards adjusting to local consumers taste and preferences. The nature of the product would influence this pressure, food products tend to be more local responsive because it is directly related to satisfying consumers taste and preferences. McDonalds is often cited as a clear example of standardization, the president of McDonalds International has insisted that the company is as much a part of local culture as possible (Ritzer, 2004, p. 179) and its standard menu has been glocalised to accommodate local foods. McDonalds focus on following a more hybrid type of global strategy when entering international markets. They associate with transnational strategy measures. The company has over 3000 fast food outlets around the world and so McDonalds found that it was more beneficial for their outlets to gain competitive advantage in these different markets by differentiating their menu and meal offers that would cater to and satisfy consumers taste and preferences in various different markets. Based on ethnicity, culture, religion, trend people taste and preferences differed from country to country. For example, India is famous for their savory spiced food. Most of Indian Cuisine tends to be hotter in flavor than compared to tastes of people in the West. Therefore the McAloo Tikki, a spicy traditional flavored burger, is a specially differentiated product of McDonalds which suits the taste of consumers in India. By differentiating their sandwiches and meals to market requirements McDonalds finds it easier to operate in these markets because this reduces the risk of uncertainty of their success or failure in operating in these new markets. Differentiated products also add value to brand name because customers find themselves attracted to their differentiated products. McDonalds always focused on cost pressures to avoid threats from competitive fast food outlets. Costs are always kept at its lowers so that McDonalds selling prices wouldnt be high enough for customers to doubt their purchase and change their mind over McDonalds. Catering to consumer responsiveness towards taste and flavor, and focusing on low costing/pricing enhances the brand reputation and value, thus positively affecting their sales figures. Although, food related businesses follow localization or transnational strategy, McDonalds also tries to adapt a global standardization strategy for some of its meal products. McDonalds menu is mostly standardized because the company wishes to protect some of its original ideas which were innovated from home. Some examples of McDonalds products which they wish to keep standard in all markets are the McFries, McNuggets and Big Mac Sandwich. These products remained unchanged or adjusted towards local responsiveness and so were offered to markets as a representation of McDonalds culture. These products had the McDonaldization approach where these products mainly standardized and focused on efficiency and predictability. McDonalds hybrid approach towards global expansion does have its limitations. Apart from having more pressure on focusing on following two different directions of strategy they would not be able to make sure how successful their standard menu would profit them. As seen earlier people have different tastes and preferences, especially when it comes to food products. So McDonalds offering their home-based standard menu would be seen as a risk to enter new different markets. They would have to spend a lot on research and innovation to adjusting to consumer responsiveness. Not only does McDonalds make sandwiches which would satisfy local consumer. They would also need to spend a great deal on differentiated advertising, coming up with innovative offers on special occasions like Eid, Diwali, Christmas etc. McDonalds current position in the global economy is very strong so its limitations wouldnt affect them as much. They possess great strengths compared to any other international business. McDonalds opportunities are wide to them, further expansion and differentiation of their standard meal menu in different markets would reap in even greater sales and profit to the company. Their hybrid strategy not only gives them the competitive advantage to compete with rivals, it also protects the corporate culture and historical values by keeping some aspects of McDonalds standardized. McDonalds makes sure it doesnt let any factor affect them provided they behave flexible to changes and adapt to what consumers want, valuing their opinions, tastes and preferences. With the help of macroeconomic environment analysis, international businesses like McDonalds find it simple to plot down their steps towards achieving their objectives and long term goals. Economic, legal, political and cultural reasons do have an impact on every business that operates internationally which is why it is crucial for these international businesses to follow an appropriate approach and adapt an effective global strategy. Any external factors can influence business operations and so by being as flexible as possible to the changing environmental factors, international businesses like McDonalds can prosper into becoming a major successful well recognized valued corporation.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Nuclear Energy :: essays research papers

Nuclear Energy During the twentieth century scientists have discovered how to unleash the most powerful energy of all; Nuclear energy. The study of nuclear energy began for the same reasons that most scientific studies are begun; to understand more about the universe and the laws by which the universe works. The more knowledge we have about the universe, the more we can control the world in which we live.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nuclear energy is contained in the center, or nucleus of an atom. This energy is also known as atomic energy because its obtained from atoms, unfortunately this is not a good choice of words (because many other energies are obtained from atoms). An atomic bomb explosion shows just how powerful muclear energy really is. Such as the underwater explosion of an atomic bomb at Bikini during 1946. This powerful type of energy comes from many things such as atoms and subatomic particles; an atom is a tiny bit of matter that has very little weight. They are much too light to be weighed directly, but scientists have developed methods of determining these tiny weightd by using special labratory instruments. Hydrogen is the lightest of all atoms and carbon atoms weigh twelve times more than the hydrogen atom. Atoms that make up one alement are not like atoms that make up another element.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  These (atoms) are not simple particles, their structure is very complexe. They are, in fact, made up of smaller bits of matter called subatomic particles. An atom has two parts. Those two parts are; 1)at the center is a nucleus, a densely packed core composed of two kinds of paticles: protons and neutrons and 2)electrons. The charge in a nucleus of an atom is carried by a particle called a proton, the number of protons in an atom's nucleus is calle the atomic number of the atom. Atomic numbers are always whole numbers such as +92. Each atomic number is always a whole number, and each chemical element has its own atomic number. Protons have a positive electrical charge, yet electrons have a negative charge and since opposite charges attract, it keeps them in their orbits around the nucleus. Neutrons are neutral and weigh a bit more than protons. The breaking apart or joining together of atomic nuclei is called a nuclear reaction. A tramendous amount of energy may be released by a nuclear reaction. Nuclear energy is housed in a nuclear reactor. There are many types of nuclear reactors such as a pressurized water reactor.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no specific place where nuclear nergy may be found, neither is there a special geographical place a nuclear power plant must be located.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Remember Me, by Charles Joyner Essays -- history, unskilled and skilled

Remember me is a description of unskilled and skilled work on plantations, how rice was grown and harvested, and the customs of the slaves on the Georgia Coast. Joyner depicts the life of slavery from the Masters, slave, and outside parities to a view seldom seen in the education system today. In His book, Remember Me, Charles Joyner relates the slave owner and slave to each other because each needed one another for survival on a daily basis. Joyner explains how some masters particularly cared for their slaves with one example being from Reverend Colcok Jones, â€Å"Tell all the howdye for me, (19)† and other forms of greetings when away from the plantation. However, Joyner also goes into great detail of how some masters mistreated their slaves along with their mistresses. Joyner explains that the Butler’s mistress beat the slaves routinely, and as Fanny Kemble â€Å"On the first morning of her arrival amongst us, by beating severely, with a raw cow-hide, the b lack girl who nursed the infant, because the child cried. (20)† Many historians believe the reason lying behind this was because the plantation owners were having explicit affairs with other slaves, and the wives of Plantation owners were not oblivious to this fact. On one hand, most mistresses felt that the slaves were inferior to the white race, so therefore, beat the slaves without a cause. It was common practice, during the slave period in Georgia, that slave owners beat their slaves. On the Contrary, one might also see that some plantation owners, very few, actually cared for their slaves with great compassion and loved their slaves as their own family. As the punitive treatment of slavery carried on, the life of the slave on the Georgia Coast was demanding and extremely... ...mselves. Slaves told stories of how their masters cared for them and made sure they were taking care of, had all the food they needed, and also how some of them had time where they could escape and get away from the reality that they were held against their will. However, slaves also left behind horrific stories of beatings, lynching’s, and of rape their owners did to them. What Remember Me attempts to bring out is the good and the bad of slavery, the cruel harshness one had to endure, and the love and compassion few owners gave to their slaves. In doing this Charles Joyner received a lot of criticism against his statements, but what he is credited with is bringing out a new light in slavery alongside the Georgia Coast few had ever seen. Works Cited Joyner, C. (2011). Remember me: Slave life in costal Georgia. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press. Remember Me, by Charles Joyner Essays -- history, unskilled and skilled Remember me is a description of unskilled and skilled work on plantations, how rice was grown and harvested, and the customs of the slaves on the Georgia Coast. Joyner depicts the life of slavery from the Masters, slave, and outside parities to a view seldom seen in the education system today. In His book, Remember Me, Charles Joyner relates the slave owner and slave to each other because each needed one another for survival on a daily basis. Joyner explains how some masters particularly cared for their slaves with one example being from Reverend Colcok Jones, â€Å"Tell all the howdye for me, (19)† and other forms of greetings when away from the plantation. However, Joyner also goes into great detail of how some masters mistreated their slaves along with their mistresses. Joyner explains that the Butler’s mistress beat the slaves routinely, and as Fanny Kemble â€Å"On the first morning of her arrival amongst us, by beating severely, with a raw cow-hide, the b lack girl who nursed the infant, because the child cried. (20)† Many historians believe the reason lying behind this was because the plantation owners were having explicit affairs with other slaves, and the wives of Plantation owners were not oblivious to this fact. On one hand, most mistresses felt that the slaves were inferior to the white race, so therefore, beat the slaves without a cause. It was common practice, during the slave period in Georgia, that slave owners beat their slaves. On the Contrary, one might also see that some plantation owners, very few, actually cared for their slaves with great compassion and loved their slaves as their own family. As the punitive treatment of slavery carried on, the life of the slave on the Georgia Coast was demanding and extremely... ...mselves. Slaves told stories of how their masters cared for them and made sure they were taking care of, had all the food they needed, and also how some of them had time where they could escape and get away from the reality that they were held against their will. However, slaves also left behind horrific stories of beatings, lynching’s, and of rape their owners did to them. What Remember Me attempts to bring out is the good and the bad of slavery, the cruel harshness one had to endure, and the love and compassion few owners gave to their slaves. In doing this Charles Joyner received a lot of criticism against his statements, but what he is credited with is bringing out a new light in slavery alongside the Georgia Coast few had ever seen. Works Cited Joyner, C. (2011). Remember me: Slave life in costal Georgia. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press.

Essay --

Christopher (2011) argues that the term called reverse logistics is used to depict the step of taking products back, generally at the end-of-life, but also for repair and recall. Reverse logistics can be defined as a chain of process to recover or sell the value of a product. That is if a company think supply chain stream in reverse, the one can make a decision the best way to deal with the bounced product. Especially, reverse logistics has received keen attention in the supply chain literature, since it mirrors the capacity of a company within supply chain to affirmatively effect the relationship that customers (Horvath et al., 2005). In addition, reverse logistics triggers main cost result for both the enterprise and its supply chain (Daugherty et al., 2005). As mentioned above, reverse logistics has been an essential structural component to make strategy in whole supply chain (Daugherty et al., 2001). Among a variety of industrial fields, automotive industry is the sector that has one of the complicated supply chains as car enterprises have vertical business relation with their suppliers to control thousands of parts for making a car. It means that the car parts companies should have their own supply chain to maintain relationship with their collaborating companies, and logistics also have to be operated to meet service demands of customers in supply chain. This dissertation presents a study of the effect according to reverse logistics strengthen in automotive parts supply chain. There are drivers promoting importance of reverse logistics. Regarding to this, Literature could be grouped as three parts: unavoidable returns, environmental and economic aspects. First of all, There are a few reasons for unavoidable returns of mate... ... and people. They can also consider reverse logistics as a method to keep and manage their brand reputations, to market their products as well as to obtain competitive benefits (Marien, 1998). It is critical for the major companies which lead the market to improve environmentally sustainable business since environmentally unkind products and materials would be detrimental to firms’ reputations and then could trigger a significant damage. The literature review shows that there are attempts to identify the factors driving reverse logistics strengthen. As a result, it is construed that there are three main reasons and they will signpost to find the objective of this dissertation. Based on these views, this dissertation will discuss and analysis the effect according to increase of importance of reverse logistics, focusing on supply chain in an automotive parts industry.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Practical Book Review

GUIDELINES FOR THE Practical Book Review By [Your Name] Student ID: [type ID w/out brackets] Presented to [Dr. Professor’s Name] In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Introduction to Pastoral Counseling PACO 500 Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA PRACTICAL BOOK REVIEW [ONE]: [AUTHOR’S LAST NAME] My Summation Communication is a tremendously important part of the human experience. Any effort to improve one’s skills is valuable. Most people think they listen well when having a conversation, but the reality is that most people walk away from a conversation feeling unheard, misunderstood, and disconnected.Petersen uses real world experiences to teach the reader how to handle difficult situations and people. In Petersen’s concept, improvement in listening skills will result in an overall improvement in relationships. Peterson describes the flat brain syndrome in his book. Stomach functions consist of people’s emotions or feelings – those inner nudges that let people know when they’re uncomfortable, happy, excited, interested, attracted, irritable, angry, resentful, frustrated, and curious. Feelings are people’s internal responses to the world around them, to what they’re thinking, and to their bodies.Heart functions give and receive concerns, suggestions, and support. They are ready to consider many options and possibilities. Healthy hearts recognize that people don’t possess â€Å"the whole truth,† but are confident both in owning their views and remaining open to the views of others. The head functions incorporate thinking, planning, remembering, reviewing, deciding, and rationalizing. Petersen points out that a correct understanding of these relationships can make the difference when it comes to lessening conflicts.A unbalanced blend of either too much brain or too much stomach creates flat-brained syndrome where it is all emotion and no thought, or the flat-brain tango, all thought with no emotion. The Talker-Listener Process is the key to creating an environment where two or more people can talk and listen to each other. This promotes a healthy communication atmosphere. The Talker Listener Card, (TLC), can help those who want to improve their ability to interact with others and communicate better. This is especially true for the listening aspect of the relationship.Peterson explains that if we would all go back to our kid-learned skill of taking turns, communication , or speaking vs. listening, would be better achieved. We should focus on listening to one person’s point of view at one time to establish feeling heard, feeling safe, and feeling understood. This will also directly lead to feeling more of a human connection and thus broadening our relationships with others. The TLC helps this process because it allows for each person (the talker and listener) to roll play while having the conversation. Each has a part to play and respon sibilities to take on.The TLC simply states these roles to help remind one what to do. Peterson moves on to explain the way people communicate, especially when asking questions. He refers to this process as similar to being in a courtroom. The way people ask questions makes a huge difference in the outcomes of the questions. People tend to ask questions in a way that sort of guides ones thinking when answering instead of just getting to the point and saying what one really feels. If people would just come out and say what they are feeling, relationships would be better off according to Peterson.Peterson continues to outline several listening techniques. The art of listening has to be practiced in order to succeed. One must first provide a safe place or environment for the talker in order to promote peace and safety. After this is established, the goal is to really listen and understand what the talker is trying to say. Also, clarifying the problem for the talker is very important in order to fully comprehend the situation and how to effectively listen and respond to the talker. In the final process, Petersen puts it all together to examples how to use the process of talking and listening effectively.He gives examples of how to use his theory of â€Å"Flat Brained Syndrome† to overcome issues and people with the syndrome. In the end, he shows you how to become a person that good things happen to due to having great communication skills. My Reflection My Investigation My Application The most crucial element after reading this book is the practical application that one would start to incorporate into their life. I have learned now that I am more committed to becoming an actual listener instead of being a talker. Too often am I getting caught up in the notion that my ideas are somehow more important than those that I am listening to.Peterson said, â€Å"Listen first (and longer) and then, talk second† (125). Peterson has given me methods of becoming a better listener, which in turn will enrich my relationships with people. I will use the skills that are outlined in chapter eighteen to improve the way I listen. I will do this process slowly in order to ensure a more successful outcome by starting with one or two skills first and then moving onto another skill once the preceeding skill was mastered. As a future minister, the ability to really listen is going to be a crucial aspect.One important skill that I need to incorporate first is my ability to repeat accurately what the speaker is trying to say. I have a tendency to take what others say and rephrase it while putting my own twist on it. Peterson says that this is common. In giving feedback, listeners routinely alter the content of what other people say (Peterson 2007). I did not realize how important this is to the listener until Peterson pointed it out. The point is that most people do not seek advice to solve a problem. Most people have the ability to solve problems on the ir own but need a sounding board to bounce thoughts off of when finding a solution.In order to successfully help people as a minister, I must work on my communication skills from here on out. I will improve on being more direct with my words and thoughts so that the talking time that I do have will be more goal oriented and satisfying. I will also learn how to become a better listener. Listening to people and their feelings or thoughts is one of my main concerns when it comes to giving people the proper soul care they deserve from a minister. Peterson’s book has only helped me discover ways to put this into practice. References

Friday, August 16, 2019

Pragmatism Is the Philosophy of Practicality

INTRODUCTION Philosophy is a hypothetical interpretation of the unknown. It is a point of view that provides a logical, rational, and valid basis for educational effort and criteria for the selection of a sound educational practice. Philosophy of Education Educating children profoundly affects their lives and influences the life of anyone who comes into contact with those children. Education provides a foundation for a child to start his life. Without a true education, it becomes impossible for an individual to provide for themselves and their family.Also, well-educated people can make decisions that benefit both their own interests and the interests of society as a whole. In some cases, philosophies of education do contradict and oppose each other, like for instance, idealism as opposed to the philosophy of naturalism. In fact we cannot question it because they have different points of view as regard to education. STATEMENT OF POSITION Pragmatism is the philosophy of practicality an d usefulness. Pragmatists see the world as a place for experience of all kinds.Pragmatism believes changes in education and opposes traditional education. Gaining of knowledge for the sake of knowledge is not the real aim of education. This philosophy focuses mental, religious and aesthetic forms of human activity. If I were a teacher, I would go with the philosophy of pragmatism. For me pragmatism is shooting two birds in one stone, you are thinking and you are putting it into action. I don’t prefer a class sitting, writing, and reading books only, without applying it.The effectiveness of our ideas, statements and concept must be seen on our actions. In pragmatism, schools and other educational institutions are flexible, they can remain alive, active and satisfy the changing needs of the society and provide real experiences through activities. It is not only a center of education but a center of community because a school that inculcates the philosophy of pragmatism is a tru e representation of a society. Pragmatic teacher are the one who first succeed in the teaching-learning process.The teacher acts as a friend, guide and philosopher to the child to gain close and positive relationship so that it is easier for them to teach and handle problems in the teaching process. As an experience-based philosophy, the curriculum includes useful activities, experiences and subjects that are useful to the present needs of the learner and also for the future expectations of adult life. It also contains skills to develop the learners which develop social and purposeful attitude. They oppose bookish knowledge and condemn those methods which promote knowledge which is not useful.The learners are keen to try things out; they want concepts that can be applied. They tend to become impatient with discussion type. They learn best when techniques are shown and they have the chance to try it out. They are also open to innovation as long as effective in the educational process . CONCLUSION Pragmatism is an attitude and a way of living which opposing the old doctrines of idealism and naturalism and inspire the individual to look ahead and create new values for an unknown future, so that he leads a better, happier and richer life.The importance of studying pragmatism as a philosophy is to understand deeply the educational process. Each fundamental aspect has a basic function in the education process. To me an effective educator is, first and foremost, someone who genuinely cares about the quality of the education a student is receiving. My memories of great teachers always involve teachers who obviously put time and thought into actions with their lessons. They offered their time to students who wanted to improve.I think that as an educator you should put into practice all the thoughts and bright ideas into action necessary to make your lessons thoughtful and hopefully fun Pragmatism serves as our guide in the educational process. Through this, we can also have a brighter understanding on how education would be. It would probably a great help for us to have all this things for the fulfilment of our good towards education. References: Singh, Y. K. (2007). Philosophical Foundation of Education. New Delhi: A P H Publishing. Shahid, S. M. (2000). Philosophy of Education. Lahore: Majeed Book Depot.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Mountains: Volcano and Mid-ocean Ridges

Volcanic mountains are mountains that form when molten rock erupts onto the earth's surface. They can either form on land or in the ocean. The Cascade Range in Washington, Oregon and northern California is composed of volcanic mountains. Some of the largest volcanic mountains are found along divergent boundaries, which form the mid-ocean ridges. The mid-ocean ridges have huge volcanic mountain chains that run through the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The mountains in the mid-ocean ridges can actually grow tall enough to create islands such as Iceland or the Azores. Other volcanic mountains can form over hot spots, which are pockets of magma beneath the crust that erupt onto earth's surface. The Hawaiian Islands are actually the tops of really high volcanic islands that have formed over a hot spot on the sea floor. The main Hawiian island is actually a volcano that is about 9 km above the ocean floor, with a base that is about 160 km wide. Almost 4 km of this island is above sea level. Folded mountains Folded mountains make up some of the highest mountains in the world. Folded mountains commonly form along boundaries, where 2 continents are colliding. They tend to look like an accordion. Some really complex folds can be found in parts of the Alps, Himalayas, Appalachians, and Russia's Ural Mountains. These long mountain chains also show extensive signs of folding. block mountains lock mountains are formed when parts of the earth's crust has been broken off into large block mountains are formed when two simultaneous blocks of land rise above or fall down leaving its middle part behind, when magma pushes up and forces top layers of rock (elastic) up with it. An example is the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. Domed mountains, although have broken (plasic) and move up as a ‘chunk'. A fault block mountain is a mountain or range formed as a horst when it was elevated between parallel normal faults. A horst is the ra ised fault block bounded by normal faults.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

“a&P” and “Barn Burning”: a Compare and Contrast Essay”

Sammy from John Updike’s â€Å"A&P† and Sarty from William Faulkner’s â€Å"Barn Burning† are two great examples of young people raising their standards and doing what they believe is right. In â€Å"A&P†, Sammy is nineteen years old and works at a local grocery store named the A&P. His life changes the day he quits his job after defending three girls that are â€Å"called out† by Lengel, the manager, for breaking the unwritten dress code. In â€Å"Barn Burning†, Sarty is a ten year old boy who struggles between the fine line of right and wrong when his father, Abner Snopes, is put on trial for burning down a barn. When his father attempts to burn down another barn, Sarty takes charge and warns the owner. â€Å"A&P† and â€Å"Barn Burning† are short story classics that have many similarities as well as differences. While both Sammy and Sarty are dissatisfied with their figures of authority, the time periods in which they live are extremely different. A very noticeable similarity is the fact that both young men are dissatisfied with their authority figures. In the beginning of the stories, one will see that Sammy and Sarty are not like their main influences. Each young man has a mature understanding of their unfortunate lives and how they must break the mold to better themselves. Stokesie, Sammy’s friend and co-worker, is twenty two years old and married with two kids. His biggest dream is to become a manager of the A&P someday. Sammy describes Stokesie’s life as a perfect example of his future if he continues working at the A&P. To him the A&P is a dead end job; but in the eyes of his Lengel and his family it is an acceptable future. Lengel is the manager of A&P as well as the town’s preacher. He plays an important role as Sammy’s authority figure. When Sammy quits, Lengel tries to persuade him to stay and makes it very clear that leaving the A&P will be a huge mistake. This is an excellent reflection of Sammy’s authority figure and the close minded ways he must escape. Sarty’s major authority figure in â€Å"Barn Burning† is his father. Abner is a poor sharecropper who is bitter towards wealthy plantation owners and has a tendency to destroy their property. Sarty never justifies his father’s actions and is aware that if he allows things to remain the same, he will become a product of his environment. This is his motive for warning Abner’s next barn burning victim and his chance to move on with his life. The time periods and locations in which â€Å"A&P† and â€Å"Barn Burning† take place are very different. Sammy lives in a more favorable time in the United States than Sarty. â€Å"A&P† is set in a small town north of Boston, Massachusetts around 1960. At this time, the United States was the main military manufacturer and financial power in the capitalist world. The â€Å"Hippie Movement† just started and shocked many traditional families with a new way of living. Sarty lives in Mississippi about twenty years after the Civil War. Life was tough for Mississippians post Civil War. The Southern states were in debt and devastation from the war was everywhere. Although America was transforming into a more modern country in both stories, the time periods in which they live are completely opposite. Sammy and Sarty are two protagonists that have to mature beyond normal circumstances and experience the â€Å"real world† at tender ages. Each character is forced to grow up and refine themselves in their darkest hour. Sammy and Sarty are both dissatisfied with their authority figures; however, the time periods in which they live take place in different eras.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Are leaders born or made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Are leaders born or made - Essay Example The first scientific investigations of leadership, performed in the 1930s, were interested with naming several individual psychological qualities that may differentiate leaders from non-leaders. Eventually, this became widely recognized as ‘The Great Man’ leadership theory (Hersey, Blanchard & Johnson 2008). They also determined that the qualities they had classified seemed to vary randomly, differed from leader to leader, and merely became evident after individuals had attained leadership positions (Kouzes & Posner 2007). This was a normal outcome of the reality that they may only examine leaders after the incident, when they had become leaders themselves. Additional research suggested that the relationship between leadership and particular leadership attributes is insignificant, comprising only roughly 10 per cent of the aspects that determine whether an individual was a leader or not (Kouzes & Posner 2007). Unexpectedly, further research has failed to resolve conclusively the issue ‘Are leaders born or made?’ and this lingers a subject of intense debate among scholars. In terms of this ongoing debate between nurture and nature, this essay will try to answer this lingering issue of leadership by drawing on concepts of human motivation and various leadership approaches. Ho wever, as Gardner (1990) argued: â€Å"Many dismiss the subject with the confident assertion that ‘leaders are born not made.’ Nonsense! Most of what leaders have that enables them to lead is learned. Leadership is not a mysterious activity†¦ And the capacity to perform those tasks is widely distributed in the population† (p. xv). Stogdill (1974) emphasized that â€Å"there are almost as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept† (p. 259). This essay does not aim to add still another definition. However, there are fundamental defining components of leadership in

Subsidies in the EU and the WTO. An assessment of evolution and impact Essay

Subsidies in the EU and the WTO. An assessment of evolution and impact - Essay Example Subsidy includes furnishing goods and services but without including the general infrastructure. Again acquiring products from a variety of firms at an advanced price than what would be paid in the market is also a significant part of subsidy. (Schaffer, Agusti and Earle, 2008, p. 374) Subsidy reform has been taken the form of gradual progression in making provisions for vessel decommissioning, transition support, environmental projects and a phase out of the most direct form of capacity enhancing subsidies. (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2007, p. 123) In case of a perfectly competitive market where resources are allocated inefficiently, providing a subsidy can lower the welfare. At times provision of subsidies are taken as a measured step toward a protected trade as providing subsidies may sometime increase the cost of exports. However if returns to scale, imperfect market, public goods etc are considered, there can be some justification for the subsidies. (Gower, Thomson, 2002, p. 147) Economists have found out a number of ways by which governments can use subsidies to provide help to the national firms to earn benefits in case of imperfect information. The easiest way for providing such type of benefit is through the subsidies in export markets. Because of predatory price, subsidized producers can reap a benefit of monopoly price. However there has been criticism on this ground that little empirical evidence can be provided in support of any government-financed pricing occurring to any significant level. (Sykes, 1989, p. 203) T he idea of subsidy undertook for the first case during the Uruguay Round and the definition of subsidy following the WTO law is very much motivated by the explanation of the US law. It explains subsidy mainly as a monetary contribution, by a government or any other civic body within the country of an affiliate. These kinds of aid can arise from a straight transfer of funds, as of